“Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” – Full Summary and Review

The “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” is a compelling autobiographical account written by Mary Rowlandson, a Puritan woman who was captured by Native Americans during King Philip’s War in 1675. This annotated review provides a comprehensive summary of the narrative and offers insights into its significance.


The narrative begins with the attack on the town of Lancaster, Massachusetts, where Mary Rowlandson and her family lived. The Native American warriors, led by King Philip (also known as Metacom), raided the town, killing many settlers and taking others captive. Mary, along with her three children, was among those captured.

Throughout her captivity, Mary faced numerous hardships, including hunger, exhaustion, and emotional distress. She was separated from her children and endured physical abuse at the hands of her captors. Despite these challenges, Mary’s strong faith in God helped her find solace and strength during her ordeal.

The narrative provides a detailed account of Mary’s experiences as a captive, including her interactions with the Native Americans and the conditions under which she lived. She describes the constant fear of being killed or sold into slavery, as well as the scarcity of food and the harsh winter conditions.

During her captivity, Mary witnessed the suffering of other captives and the brutal treatment of prisoners. She also reflects on the cultural differences between the Native Americans and the English settlers, offering insights into their customs, beliefs, and way of life.

After several months, Mary was eventually ransomed and released. She reunited with her surviving family members and returned to her community. The narrative concludes with Mary’s reflection on her captivity and her gratitude for her eventual restoration.


The “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” is a significant piece of American literature that provides valuable insights into the experiences of both Native Americans and English settlers during a tumultuous period in history.

One of the strengths of the narrative is Mary Rowlandson’s ability to convey her emotions and experiences with vivid detail. Her writing captures the fear, despair, and resilience she felt during her captivity, allowing readers to empathize with her plight.

Mary’s strong religious faith is a central theme throughout the narrative. Her reliance on God’s providence and her belief in divine intervention provide a unique perspective on the role of religion in shaping the colonists’ experiences and worldview.

The narrative also sheds light on the complex relationships between Native Americans and English settlers. Mary’s interactions with her captors reveal a nuanced portrayal of their culture, challenging the prevailing stereotypes of Native Americans at the time.

However, it is important to note that the narrative is a product of its time and reflects the biases and prejudices prevalent in 17th-century colonial society. Mary’s portrayal of the Native Americans is influenced by her own cultural perspective, and some readers may find aspects of her account problematic.

Despite these limitations, the “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” remains a valuable historical document that offers a glimpse into the experiences of a remarkable woman during a tumultuous period in American history.

In conclusion, Mary Rowlandson’s “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration” provides a captivating account of her experiences as a captive during King Philip’s War. Through her vivid storytelling and reflections, Mary offers a unique perspective on the challenges faced by both Native Americans and English settlers during this turbulent time. While the narrative reflects the biases of its era, it remains a significant piece of American literature that sheds light on an important chapter in our nation’s history.

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